Currently used for car repair with 4 bays, small office, good parking, and has space heaters. Very good location for this type of business. Block Building
View full listing detailsPrice: | $119,900 |
Address: | 2400 Chestnut |
City: | Quincy |
County: | Adams |
State: | Illinois |
Zip Code: | 62301 |
MLS: | 197911 |
Square Feet: | 2,585 |
Acres: | 0.210 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.210 acres |
addressSearchNumber: | 2400 |
agentHitCount: | 79 |
agentOwned: | no |
askingPrice: | 119900 |
avm: | Yes |
basement: | Slab |
class: | COMMERCIAL |
clientHitCount: | 395 |
commercial: | Other (See Remarks) |
cooling: | None |
disclosures: | no |
dom: | 543 |
domls: | 543 |
excl: | no |
exterior: | Vinyl, Other (See Remarks) |
featuresExterior: | Bay(s), Over head Door(s) |
featuresInterior: | Office Space |
firstPhotoAddTimestamp: | 2019-05-10T21:15:19+00:00 |
gridNum: | 51 |
heat: | Other (See Remarks) |
hotsheetDate: | 2020-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 |
inputDate: | 2019-05-10T21:15:17+00:00 |
lA1AgentAddressStreetName: | 5005 Oak |
lA1AgentPhone1Description: | Cell |
lA1AgentPhone2Description: | Ofc |
lA1AgentPnone3Description: | Fax |
la1agentCity: | Quincy |
la1agentLogonName: | HappelM |
la1agentPhone1Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la1agentPhone2Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la1agentPhone2Number: | 217-224-8383 |
la1agentPhone3Countryid: | United States (+1) |
la1agentPhone3Number: | 217-224-3387 |
la1agentState: | IL |
la1agentStatus: | MLS Only |
la1agentType: | REALTOR MLS |
la1agentUrl: | www.happelrealtors.com |
la1agentZip5: | 62305 |
levels: | 1 |
listingAgentEmail: | mikehappel@gmail.com |
listingAgentFirstName: | Mike |
listingAgentLastName: | Happel |
listingAgentPhone: | 217-242-6090 |
listingDate: | 2019-05-10T00:00:00+00:00 |
listingOfficeEmail: | happelrealtorsquincy@gmail.com |
listingOfficeName: | Happel Inc., REALTORS® |
listingOfficePhone: | 217-224-8383 |
lo1mainOfficeId: | 52 |
lo1officeAbbreviation: | 279 |
lo1officeCity: | Quincy |
lo1officeIdentifier: | 52 |
lo1officeState: | IL |
lo1officeType: | Realtor MLS |
lo1officeZip5: | 62305 |
lo1officephone1countryid: | United States (+1) |
location: | Business District |
lotSizeML: | 121x85x100x45 |
ltdSer: | no |
lvtDate: | 2019-05-10T00:00:00+00:00 |
managingBroker: | No |
officeSqftML: | 168 |
originalPrice: | 139000 |
otherSqftML: | 2417 |
parcelNum: | 23-6-1138-000-00 |
parking: | 6 - 10 Spaces |
possession: | Negotiable |
previousAskingPrice: | 119900 |
priceDate: | 2019-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 |
reo: | no |
roof: | Metal, Tar Chip |
saleRent: | For Sale |
sewer: | City |
statusCatID: | Active |
statusDate: | 2020-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 |
systemid: | 197911 |
taxYear: | 2018 |
taxes: | 2178 |
water: | City |
waterHeater: | Natural Gas |