The accuracy of all information, regardless of source, including but not limited to square footages and lot sizes, is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified through personal inspection and/or with the appropriate professionals. The offer is made only to Participants of the MLS where the listing is filed.
The RMLS data on this page was last updated on Thursday, January 30th, 2025.
Listed by: Happel, Inc., REALTORS Office: 217-224-8383
Data services provided by IDX Broker
View full listing details
Address: | 116 S 3RD Street 104 |
City: | Quincy |
County: | Adams |
State: | Illinois |
MLS: | CA1017951 |
Square Feet: | 13,430 |
levels: | Four |
forSale: | No |
forLease: | Yes |
apptPhone: | (217) 440-3100 |
inputType: | CIE |
leaseTerm: | Other |
leaseType: | Gross |
agentOwned: | no |
camPerSqFt: | 1.23 |
directions: | East side of N 3rd St between Maine and Hampshire. Entrance to the business suites is on the North Side. |
gasCompany: | Ameren |
lvtDateMLS: | 2022-09-13 |
tenantPays: | Common Area Maintenance |
locationMLS: | Downtown |
possibleUse: | Flex Space, Government, Medical, Office, Retail |
sprinklerYN: | yes |
frontageType: | City Street |
leasePerSqFt: | 1 |
parcelNumber: | 23-1-0240-000-00 |
taxIncentive: | TIF District |
waterCompany: | City of Quincy |
availableSqFt: | 2131 |
insulationMLS: | Floors,Other Insulation,Roof,Side Walls,Sound |
loadingDockYN: | no |
otherAccessMLS: | None |
electricCompany: | Ameren |
listOfficePhone: | 217-224-8383 |
statusDetailMLS: | 1 |
currentFinancing: | Negotiable |
handicapModified: | Yes |
listingAgreement: | Exclusive Right To Lease |
securitySystemYN: | yes |
virtuallyStageYN: | yes |
firstPhotoAddDate: | 2022-09-13T21:19:12.7 |
leasePerSqFtAnnual: | 12 |
agentRelatedToOwner: | no |
confidentialListing: | MLS Listing |
leaseAmountPerMonth: | 2131 |
allowedUseCaseGroups: | IDX |
purchaseContractDate: | 2023-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 |
saleLeaseIncludesMLS: | Sale/Lease Other |
landlordContributesYN: | Negotiable |
addressSearchNumberMLS: | 116 |
listingVisibilityTypeMLS: | MLS Listing |
operatingRecordingDevice: | None |
undergroundStorageTankYN: | no |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | yes |
agentIsDesignatedManagingBroker: | no |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | yes |